Friday, January 30, 2009

A (Christian)Single Creed

I received this at a Christian singles seminar two weeks ago and it really liked this. This is from one of the speakers, Steven Cooper from Neighborhood Centers of Houston( Please note, I modified some of the statements mentioned in this creed.

My Credo as a Unique, Separate, and Whole single Christian
My commitment to God, myself, and family is that I will hold myself accountable and encourage my friends and loved ones to hole me accountable for thinking, saying and doing the right things, according to God's will and commands by:
  • Praying and reading God's Word daily to gain the wisdom to help me better know, love, and glorify God; become more Christlike in thought and action; understand His plan; and participate with Him and others in His plan
  • Demonstrating good stewardship of the time, talent, and treasure God has given to me by strategically using the time, spiritual gifts(faith, leadership, administration, teaching, wisdom, and discernment), and financial resources God has given to me in the most beneficial ways possible.
  • Demonstrating that giving and serving are deeply held values.
  • Serving my family, church and community with a humble spirit.
  • Demonstrating hope in difficult situations by reaching out to loved ones with my head, heart and hands to help them address their difficulties and opportunities.
  • Being a self-starter by creating plans and engaging other family members in the creation of plans with a worthwhile vision driven by Godly values.
  • Diligently acheving worthwhile results and encouraging everyone to do the same.
  • Facilitating self-correction and continuous personal development and excellence.
  • Demonstrating patience in all encounters.
  • Forgiving mistakes and faults in myself and others.
  • Developing strong networks, friends and partners who uplift me, bring out the best in me and help me arrive at destiny's door.
  • Creating success against all odds as God has given me power and dominion
  • Loving myself and celebrating my uniqueness and purpose.

I hope and pray that we as believers will not only use this as bulletin board material, but to live this out. Peace out and have a blessed and Christlike weekend.

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